Dr Kapila Vatsyayan passed

Dr Kapila Vatsyayan passed away yesterday morning. She was a leading scholar of Indian classical dance, art, architecture, and art history. She was formerly a member of parliament and also served as Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Education, where she was responsible for the establishment of a large number of national institutions of higher education. She served as the founding director of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. She was former President of India International Centre (IIC) and an IIC Life Trustee and the Chairperson of the IIC International Research Division. She was 91.

Kapilaji was a true doyenne of the arts and culture great stature, commitment , she believed in debate, discussion and dissent and an all encompassing world view she could be fastidious with some, but at the same time a very encouraging person. 

Prabhat had the privilege of having her presence at the ‘Like Us’ exhibition held in August 2019, at the India International Centre, New Delhi. May her dear soul rest in everlasting peace and may we in these times follow the exceptional path she lay down for many. Heartfelt condolences from the entire Prabhat family.

The world becomes more beautiful when we all join hands

Prabhat power is about people working behind the scenes, for example in the cafeteria, or a community leader or some done by a volunteer

Prabhat would like to thank Pratham Education Foundation (English Access Micro-scholarship Program), FD Arts and Commerce College for Women & Government Polytechnic for Girls for bringing this opportunity of togetherness, mutual learning with joy.Prabhat Centre has once again been transformed into a colorful, happy space. Thanks to all the efforts put in by the students, team from Pratham and Prabhat.

Hannah Mary George is a Toy and Game Designer from National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar

Prabhat pioneers new things are people that are doing innovative things for Prahbat, for example the new weaving programme or NIH students inventing new ways of working with the kids etc

Prabhat is always looking towards collaboration with multidisciplinary institutes and individuals and that is how we bring unique opportunities of learning for our children and team. Hannah Mary George is a Toy and Game Designer from National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar who enjoys working for children, education and health by exploring the facets of play. Hannah spent months understanding Prabhat’s children and their needs. She developed some really fun,interesting and interactive games.